Frequently Asked

What to expect


Tarot is an art form that brings understanding and direction to both your present and future circumstances. With Rachel’s channelling of the spirit world and mastery of these prophetic cards, she births new insight and guidance into the areas of your life you wish to explore.

Using multiple tarot spreads and her psychic gifts, Rachel addresses and identifies which areas of your life require understanding. Any internal questions you may have regarding career, purpose, relationships, health, family, fertility, moving, divorce, legal matters or finances will all be unpacked with loving guidance. Including any future predictions of dates and events to come. 

Having a reading with Rachel can be described like “sitting down with an old friend”. Due to her extensive tarot knowledge, psychic abilities and 20 years of experience, every reading created is unique to the energetic purpose of each client. Rachel’s forthright style of delivery will leave no stone unturned allowing you to move forward in your life with new direction and purpose. 


Where is my reading?




Where can I park?


Parking is available in the parking lot. If the lot is full feel free to park right in front of her entrance.


Can Rachel tell me my future?


Yes! This is Rachel’s specialty. Using the art of tarot she has predicted, jobs, marriage, divorce, children and many other time sensitive details down to the exact day. 

Can I record my reading?


Yes of course! Please feel free to use your phone to record your session. Rachel often mentions future dates and events that may occur. By recording your reading you can sit back enjoy the experience and go back to listen to it at a later date.


Do I need to do anything to prepare?


It is advised to be open-minded when coming for a reading. Try to release any expectations you may have of the experience and allow yourself to receive organically what information is given to you. If you weren’t a believer before, Rachel will surely turn you into one!

What if I’m nervous?


It’s natural to be nervous. Rachel honors no religion. Her only religion is love, and every heart she meets is her temple. Sitting down with Rachel is like sitting down with an old friend. She will compassionately deliver any information she gets with honesty.


Can I bring a friend?
Or have a reading done together?


Yes, of course! However the reading is geared to only one person at a time. Two people can not each have a reading simultaneously.  
Rachel does not advise bringing your romantic partner as sensitive relationship issues can arise and it can be uncomfortable to discuss the relationship in front of the other person (Rachel will say whatever comes up). 


How often can someone get a reading?


Rachel suggests waiting at least 3 months between receiving your next reading, allowing time for her predictions to transpire.

Can I bring my CHild or animal?


Rachel does not allow children or animals to a reading. She will make an exception for breast feeding mothers, of course. 


Does Rachel check my Facebook or social media for information?


No. Rachel does not have time to do this. She prefers to do all reading blind. Please don’t tell her any information on your questions, loved ones, job, relationship, etc. 
Rachel recommends if you are skeptical of this when booking your appointment to use a false name or an initial for your last name (example: Jane D.) Rachel reads for many high profile professionals in the city and understand the value of privacy.


Will Rachel ever share my secrets?


No. All readings are done with complete privacy, and no information that transpired during a reading is ever shared. As mentioned, Rachel has done readings for high level professional in the city, criminals, clients having affairs, etc. There is no judgment to your circumstance. All readings are confidential and no notes or recordings are made during the reading. Rachel has heard it all and does her best to be an open channel for spirit and give guidance with all her heart to each individual.

Can my reading be cancelled?


Yes, we understand readings can be time sensitive for clients or often booked in advance. Rachel will only cancel your reading if she’s not feeling well and does her best to give as much notice as possible.


Can I get a refund for a workshop or event I’ve purchased a ticket to?


Unfortunately all spots purchased are non-transferable and non refundable at this time. 


How do I pay for my reading?


Payment for readings is taken by Rachel after the reading is completed. No deposits are necessary. All readings are
$140 + GST.

Payment types accepted are Visa, MasterCard, e-transfer, gift card and cash.

(E-transfer to

If you’d like to pay for an appointment for a family member or a friend, feel free to contact us to make payment arrangements.

How do I redeem a Gift Card for a Reading?


Payment for Rachel’s services are taken at the end of the reading. However, you will need your gift card code at the time of booking your appointment.


What can I use my gift card for?


All gift cards can be used for readings, services, rituals, virtual classes, products, etc. You will need your gift card code to process payment online.