Private Full Moon Ritual


Full Moon Ritual is a great opportunity to draw down the energies of the moon and to strengthen ourselves and find direction.  



Like our Wiccan ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we honour the cycles and the seasons that remind us of the ever-changing flow of life that we are a part of. Ritual acts give life meaning. They also honour and acknowledge the unseen web of Life that connects us all.

This ancient ritual celebrates your ability to make change in your life at any time, to shed old skin, patterns and behaviours, so you can move forward with your life. Through the power of ritual and gathering in groups, you can shift the energy in your life right now.

Have Intuitive Medium Rachel Stiles come to your home and conduct an ancient ritual that has been celebrated through many cultures since the beginning of time. Rachel has experience conducting ceremonies and rituals such as these for over 10 years.

With her extensive Wiccan background and South American teachings that have been passed down through her family, let Rachel guide you on a journey of personal development. A great experience for family, friends or coworkers looking to connect and heal together. 

 What to expect

- An intimate gathering for you to get raw about what in your life might be blocking you or not serving your journey

- Smudging and cleansing your energies 

- Casting a circle 

- Guided meditation using the Hecate Invocation for protection moving forward from the ritual

- Ancestors declaration, inviting the divine or your loved ones that have passed to join us and aid you in your releasing 

- Drumming, singing and chanting to raise the vibration

- The group will offer up their energy to you while you write down all the things from your life that you'd like to be released (people, places and things) and then you will burn it to have those energies released

- Effigy Ceremony, an Ancient Hoodoo ceremony paired with a guided meditation to remove any negative energies from your auric field or inside your body. Rachel then takes the unwanted energies and safely offers them to the river asking they be carried away for you after the evening is over

- Peruvian healing circle where you will receive healing and have an opportunity to be heal others

- Nourishment Ceremony to set intentions and give you the gift of what you might be missing in your life 

- Oracle card confirmation

Rachel recommends booking on the exact day of the next full moon. With a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 10 people. This ceremony takes approximately 2-3 hours depending on how many people are participating. 

Investment:  $600* + GST

*Additional $50 travel fee if you are outside city limits 

Request your private full moon ritual below.


Request a Private Full Moon Ritual