Meet Rachel

Hello, My name is rachel.

I’ve been pulled to the spirit world since I was a child experiencing the world just a little bit different then the others around me. I remember my grandmothers voice always defending me…

“Leave her alone, she’s fae.”

Back then she knew there was something about me that was unique. It was that love and encouragement that gave me permission to see the world differently.

I soaked up any knowledge and experience I possibly could around the metaphysical and the occult.

Through my own personal development and discovering my gifts and abilities, I’ve always felt this pull to elevate others.

To secretly cheer for them while they unveil their own empowerment.

It was my own struggles that inspired me to read for others, to connect clients to their loved ones that have passed and to educate or inspire others when needed.

Being a Medium and practicing witchcraft is not my job.

It’s my life.

I’ve dedicated my life offering professional readings throughout North America and the UK for the past 15 years. I live to serve others, to serve the spirit world and of course to serve the Divine. I do this with absolute faith and conviction. A reading with me is not a normal reading.

I’ve been told it feels more like sitting down with an old friend.

When I read or when I teach it is always my mission to provide accurate messages from the spirit world and to leave people in better condition then how I found them.

If you hang out with me too long,
I’ll brain wash you into believing in yourself.


I belong to no religion, my religion is LOVE and every heart I meet is my temple.

Thank you for being here.
