Mediumship Paranormal Investigation

Investigate paranormal activity in your own home.

Have Psychic Medium Rachel Stiles use her extensive knowledge of spirit and the occult to investigate any paranormal activity in your home. Rachel starts by intensely reading the energy in the home going room to room and picking up any information about spirit and the living occupant’s energy. She does this by writing down all of her findings and drawing pictures of what she sees, senses, and feels.

She then sits down with the client at the end to deliver her findings. Explaining if there is any spirit activity present. Determines if it is attached to the house, the land, an object or person living there. Or if any family members that have passed have been visiting the home. 

She then forms a plan and suggestions using her occult on what you may want to do moving forward to manage these energies or if any immediate action is required. Each situation is unique and can require different actions for house blessings, spirit removal, blessings, offerings to the land etc. Leaving it up to the client to make decisions on how to manage the home moving forward with all the proper information, resources and suggestions.

It is important that Rachel offers this service “going in blind”. She asks that no information on the activity be conveyed to her prior to her entering the home.

Investment:  $400* + GST
(2 hours)

*Additional $50 travel fee if you are outside city limit